
Michael Booth

Michael Booth Living with young onset dementia Former carer for my mom who lived with young onset Alzheimer’s disease for nine years and now myself a person living with young onset Alzheimer’s disease giving me a view from both sides, a unique position. A Research Network volunteer and a member of the Policy, Research and […]

Rachael Litherland

Rachael Litherland Director, Innovations in Dementia Rachael Litherland has worked with people with dementia for over 20 years, with a background in psychology and advocacy. Rachael is a director with Innovations in Dementia CIC, a national community interest company. They work with people with dementia, partner organisations and others to help people with dementia keep […]


Communi-tea On Wednesday 22nd June 2022, we continued our series of young onset dementia webinars with Communi-tea – the importance of support and connection for carers of people with young onset dementia. The webinar was led by tide (together in dementia everyday) and focused on the support that is available for family members and carers […]

Why numbers matter

Why numbers matter and change is possible Our webinar in October 2022 was presented by Dr Janet Carter and Michael Jackson. They discussed the importance of using data to better communicate the need for improved services for younger people living with dementia. Currently no routinely published data of the number of people with a diagnosis […]

Identifying symptoms before diagnosis

Young onset dementia and general practice – identifying symptoms before diagnosis Our webinar in November 2022 focused on the first symptoms of young onset dementia, how to increase their recognition and better identify people with young onset dementia at an earlier stage. There are over 70,800 people estimated to be living with young onset dementia […]

Share your experiences

In January 2024 we ran a month-long campaign across the Young Dementia Network communications platforms (email, website and social media) inviting members and followers to ‘share their experiences’ of young onset dementia. We asked people to reply to three questions: Do you feel that young onset dementia has taken anything away from your life? Has […]


Festivi-tea Our third webinar took place on Wednesday 16th December 2020, Festivi-tea – Hints and tips for the festive season. The webinar was led by Clare Mason, Dementia Care Trainer and PPI lead at the University of Bradford, with Michael Andrews, Anne Marie Norris, Julie Hayden and Kit and Julie Swann who are members of […]

Personal checklist

Personal checklist Our Personal checklist is a resource that is for anyone who has concerns about signs and symptoms of young onset dementia. It is not a diagnostic tool but is intended to be used as a checklist which individuals can use to record symptoms they, or a family member or friend, may be experiencing and then, […]

Diagnostic clinic leaflet

Diagnostic clinic leaflet Young Dementia Network members told us that at the point of their diagnosis many of them were not offered any information and did not know who to contact for support and advice. So we collaborated with people with young onset dementia, their family members and professionals who work within the field to […]