Employment and work

Here you will find a collection of young onset dementia research studies related to employment and work. They have been selected by Dr Andrea Mayrhofer, Senior Research Fellow, Newcastle University,  Dr Louise Ritchie, Reader in Dementia (Research), University of the West of Scotland and Dr. Laura Lebec, Research Fellow, University of the West of Scotland. Some of the links we provide are to the abstract only. For a full paper it may be necessary to subscribe to the site or to pay a fee.


What happens when people develop dementia whilst working? An exploratory multiple case study (2023)

This study is an in-depth exploration of the unfolding experiences of five persons who developed dementia while still in paid work/employment, and of their significant others. It explores how they experienced the actions and decisions taken with respect to work, and what the consequences meant to them. Click here

Young onset dementia: Implications for employment and finances (2023)

This study explores the specific impact that young onset dementia has on continued employment and finances. Click here

Working towards inclusion: Creating technology for and with people living with mild cognitive impairment or dementia who are employed (2022)

This paper presents a two-part study involving interviews and participatory sessions to begin to understand the workplace experiences and the role of technology among people living with MCI/EOD. Findings are presented from working with seven people with MCI/EOD and two care partners to explore technology design. Click here

Experiences of influencing one’s own life when living with working-age dementia (2021)

This inter-disciplinary study was to explore how working-age people living with dementia seek to influence their lives, and what makes it easier or more difficult for them in their everyday life. Click here

Understanding the financial impact of a diagnosis of young onset dementia on individuals and families in the United Kingdom (2021)

This paper focuses on the financial impact of a diagnosis of young onset dementia. The findings highlight aspects of the financial consequences of a diagnosis of young onset dementia for individuals and families. Click here

Dementia, work and employability: using the capability approach to understand the employability potential for people living with dementia (2020)

This study explores the potential for supporting and promoting the employability of people living with dementia. Click here

A beginning and not the end: work after a diagnosis of dementia (2018)

This article offers new ways of conceptualising the struggles of disabled workers to continue with their project of self-becoming through work. It shows how work practices can enact violence through ‘non-recognition’ and how workers can subvert this violence to create opportunities for future development. Click here

Young onset dementia: Negotiating future workplace roles and identities (2017)

This study focusses on the significance of meaningful activity; how can such activities be constructed. Click here

Sustaining people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment: in employment: a systematic review of the evidence (2016)

A systematic review of the literature concerning young people with dementia who are either in employment or wish to be employed. Eight articles were reviewed which highlighted the need for reasonable adjustments and sheltered employment opportunities to support continued engagement with employment. Click here

An exploration of the impact of younger-onset dementia on employment (2016)

Post formal employment: little expectation that a person might continue to work in a different capacity perhaps; implication: lack of opportunities. Click here

Evaluation of a workplace engagement project for people with younger onset dementia (2015)

Work as therapy. Participants wore staff uniforms to create a sense of identity and to be identifiable as staff for customers. Click here

“It’s nice to have something to do”: early onset dementia and maintaining purposeful activity (2014)

This paper looks traumatic secession of work; need for purposeful activity; need for increased education and awareness in the workplace. Click here

Side by Side: A workplace engagement programme for people with younger onset dementia (2013)

Demonstration project: Seven people with mild dementia work one day per week beside a work-buddy in a large metropolitan hardware store. Work-buddies are store employees who have undergone dementia training.

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Designing work with people living with dementia: Reflecting on a decade of research (2021)

This paper argues that people living with dementia have the right to live as full citizens and have full participation and inclusion in all aspects of life. Click here

Dementia in the workplace: are employers supporting employees living with dementia? (2021)

This research sends out strong messages about the rights and legal position of person living with dementia which cannot be ignored. Click here

Dementia in the workplace: the implications for career development practice (2019)

This study argues that more attention needs to be given to supporting employees with dementia to either remain in work or exit the workplace, and that career development practice has a key role in this. Click here

What are the experiences of people with dementia in employment? (2016)

The rise in retirement age means that number of people developing dementia whilst in employment will rise. Click here

Dementia in the workplace: a review (2015)

‘A common finding was that employers appear to lack knowledge to enable them to support people with dementia or cognitive impairment in the workplace.’ Click here