Our activities

The Young Dementia Network’s current activities include:

  • implementing a campaign to improve the experience of young onset dementia diagnosis 
  • involvement in the Department of Health and Social Care and National Health Service England dementia plans, including their RightCare dementia scenario
  • hosting a series of young onset dementia focused webinars 
  • promoting our range of resources 
  • communicating news and opportunities to be involved regularly with our membership  
  • raising the profile of young onset dementia on our social media channels

Our plans 

Our 2021-2025 plan is informed by: 

  • our wish to make the biggest possible impact 
  • the prioritised needs of people affected by young onset dementia 
  • what our members tell us they want us to do 
  • our experience, knowledge, achievements and impact 
  • understanding the resources and capacity required and available  

Future activities and projects include:   

  • supporting the development of a multi-discipline community of practice for young onset dementia  
  • seeking to include young onset dementia in the study / training of a range of professions 
  • creating a nationally recognised standard for young onset dementia services 
  • improving young onset dementia service commissioning and development