
Financial Securi-tea

Financial Securi-tea On Wednesday 17th November 2021, we continued our series of young onset dementia webinars with Financial Securi-tea – financial issues affecting people with young onset dementia and their families. This webinar was hosted by Calum Macdonald, an Advanced Associate (legal) at the Financial Conduct Authority, who was joined by Kenny Moffat who lives […]

Research Priori-teas

Research Priori-teas On Wednesday 20th January 2021, we held our first young onset dementia webinar of the year, Research Priori-teas – Why should I get involved? The webinar was led by Professor Jacqueline Parkes, Professor of Applied Mental Health, University of Northampton; Dr Mary O’Malley, Lecturer in Ageing and Dementia, University of West London, Dr Wendy […]

Our steering group

The Young Dementia Network steering group: leads the development, activities and focus of the Network  ensures the Network and its activities are guided by people affected by and working within young onset dementia  provides professional credibility for the Network and its activities  via its workstreams, creates resources, toolkits, policy and campaigning materials  uses its professional networks […]


Employabili-tea On Wednesday 27th April 2022, we continued our series of young onset dementia webinars with Employabili-tea. This webinar focused on working after a diagnosis of young onset dementia. Our panelists for the webinar were Dr Louise Ritchie and Martin Robertson. Louise is a Reader in dementia research in the Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy […]

Books written by a person living with young onset

Books written by a person living with young onset Slow Puncture: Living Well With Dementia Peter Berry, Deb Bunt, 2020, £9.99 An account of a year in the life of Peter Berry. Happily married and running a successful business in Suffolk, Peter’s life changes when, at the age of fifty, he is diagnosed with young […]

Hilda Hayo

Dr Hilda Hayo Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO, Dementia UK Hilda Hayo has been the Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO for Dementia UK since 2013, the charity who specialise in the provision and development of Admiral Nurses (specialist dementia nurses). A dual registered nurse, she has over 40 years experience developing and leading dementia specialist […]


Authori-tea with Wendy Mitchell On Wednesday 16th February 2022, we continued our series of young onset dementia webinars with Authori-tea – what I wish people knew about dementia by someone that knows. Wendy Mitchell is a best-selling author, blogger and member of the Young Dementia Network Steering Group. She was diagnosed with young onset dementia […]

Sarah Merriman

Sarah Merriman Freelance Dementia Consultant Sarah Merriman works as a Freelance Dementia Consultant. She has seven years of lived experience caring for her Nana with dementia. She also spent ten years working in the charity sector as Head of Campaigning and Influencing and then Service Development Lead for a dementia carers charity. She has a […]

Dementia, Disabili-tea and Hope

Dementia, Disabili-tea and Hope On Wednesday 16th March 2022, we continued our series of young onset dementia webinars with Dementia, Disabili-tea and Hope. This webinar discussed the work being carried out by One Dementia Voice, of which the Young Dementia Network is an active member. It was hosted by Philly Hare, co-Director of Innovations in […]