Martina Davis
Living with young onset dementia
Martina was diagnosed with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) at the age of 59. Following her diagnosis Martina became involved with many different organisations working to raise awareness of young onset dementia and PCA.
Martina is a member of 3 Nations Dementia Working Group Steering Group and has been involved in many of their webinars. She has written numerous articles about how she overcomes the challenges of living with dementia and written a book of poetry called ‘A life in the day of PCA’.
Self-employed for most of her career, Martina believes it is this background that gives her the strength and courage to persistently find solutions for herself and others.
Martina is motivated to raise awareness of dementia at a younger age, remove stigma and give dementia equal status with other accepted illnesses.
At home, Martina loves walking with Buddy her dog , spending time in her garden and cooking with the fruit and vegetables she has grown.
Martina is a member of the Young Dementia Network’s Understanding and Awareness workstream.