Our future plans

The Young Dementia Network is keen to ensure its priorities and activities over the next three years have the greatest impact in line with the Network’s overall purpose.  This plan is informed by:

  • our wish to be stronger and make the biggest possible impact
  • the greatest needs of people affected by young onset dementia now
  • what our members tell us they want us to do
  • a reflection on our past achievements and their impact
  • our existing agreed priorities and ideas
  • an understanding of the resources required

Future activities and projects

We have identified a range of possible future activities and projects which includes:

  • developing a community of young onset dementia practice for different professions
  • seeking to include young onset in the study / training of a range of professions
  • creating a nationally recognised standard for young onset dementia services
  • improving young onset dementia service commissioning and development
  • improving and updating some of our existing resources
  • developing our range of resources for GPs, memory and neurology clinics